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Home - News - What's the difference between touch-all in one signage and whiteboard touch machine?

What's the difference between touch-all in one signage and whiteboard touch machine?

July 8, 2021

Touch-in-one machine: It integrates advanced touch screen, industrial control and computer technology,


and can realize public information inquiry. It is equipped with peripherals such as fingerprint scanner, card


reader, micro-printer, etc. , can achieve fingerprint attendance, Swipe Cards, printing and other specific needs.


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In size will be relatively small, mainly used in our daily life, such as: Order Machine, Bank inquiry machine,


hospital application machine and so on.

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Conference teaching touch all in one machine: Integrated Projector, electronic Whiteboard, audio, television, video


conference terminal functions, focus on resolving the conference remote communication, high-definition display of


conference documents, video file playback, live audio, screen writing, document marking, saving, distribution and other


systematic meeting requirements.


Size in the range of 55-98 inches, as long as applied to corporate offices, the education market, banking, government,


medical use, improve corporate image, improve the efficiency of meetings. Even in size, the touch all-in-one can be as small as 10


inches, while the teaching all-in-one can be as small as 55 inches.